If You Have the Big Why, Here is the How

Last weekend October 14 -15, 2017 I attended the Master Marketing Event in Las Vegas as a member of Digital Altitude, an affiliate internet marketing company of digital products.

The event kicked off with the keynote address by Anik Singal (Top Young Entrepreneur featured in Business Week and Inc.) who ventured into an online entrepreneurship when he was a pre-med student 13 years ago. His story narrated the successful person’s habits and behaviors that culminated in a phenomenal financial success in multi-multi-millions. The lead-off by Anik was followed by many such success stories that had similar characteristics.

Successful People

Not so Successful People

Believe in Themselves

Doubt Their Abilities

Set Clear Goals

Don’t Have a Clear Purpose

Take Action

Wait for Things to Happen

Practice Appreciation

Take Life for Granted

Take 100% Responsibility

Blame Others

Use the Law of Attraction

Have a Negative Attitude

Mr. and Mrs. Jones needed to escape the 9-to-5. After only a few days at his new desk job, Mr. Jones realized that he made a huge mistake. Mr. Jones wasn’t driven by his work. He didn’t find any passion in it. All he found himself doing was watching the clock and wishing for the hours to pass by more quickly.

Have you ever felt this way? Drained by a job where you only lived from paycheck to paycheck? News flash: that’s not really living.
If you find yourself in such a rut, ask yourself what Mr. Jones did during his moment of decision, “Are you fulfilled?”
A job or career shouldn’t just pay the bills; it should fulfill you. It should give you some sense of purpose and desire to get up in the morning. And if it doesn’t, then maybe it’s time for a change.

The life you want is just around the corner, if you are willing to take a chance and go after it. Mrs. Jones went after her dream. She told her boss, “I was finished. I told him I’d be starting my own business and moving to the beach.” And that’s what she did. Her online business specializes in environmental consulting services, became the first of its kind in the U.K. Mrs. Jones has seen some great success since the day he walked out of her job, and she only continues to see more.

Using Mr. and Mrs. Jones’ career as a reference, here are 5 steps to take if you also want to create a successful online business that you love.

  1. Click the link below to subscribe to Aspire if you have not done so. Those of you who has already clicked my $1 link (if you do not remember) go to step 2

Aspire to be free
2. Make an appointment with the coaches who are waiting to help you on Skype. Follow up. This is an important step
3. Please persevere and educate yourself. The coaches and I included are here to help you succeed. All the information is available online
4. Please attend all the events that come around such as this Master Marketing Event in Las Vegas. Listen to online calls regularly such as wake up calls, black diamond calls, etc., where the successful business owners share their stories

5. Network, network, network

Anik Singal’s 5 things to do:
Eliminate tomorrow (be decisive)
What is your relationship with failure? (what do we learn from it)
External Motivation (the Big Why)
X-factor (the system you want to use)
Mentorship (available in plenty)

Memory Joggers from MME Las Vegas

I am not perfect
We are not perfect
Eliminating excuses
Shed external unhealthy obstacles
Shed internal unhealthy obstacles
Do what it takes to get to the goal
Come as you are
Do you have a burning desire to create an extraordinary life?
Pay it forward
Time, Money and location freedom
Building relationships

Nothing changes until you do
– Jack Canfield

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result
– A. Einstein
Please click the link below if you want to join us to have it all, time, location and money freedom. For those of you who have already clicked this link before please get back to your coaches by making an appointment with them on Skype.


Success comes to those who take action.

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