Modern Day Gold-Rush – Online Success in the Digital World

Once you say you’re going to settle for second, that’s what
happens to you in life.
—John F. Kennedy

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and
you are the easiest person to fool.
—Richard P. Feynman, Nobel Prize–winning physicist

I also have in mind that seemingly wealthy, but most terribly
impoverished class of all, who have accumulated dross,
but know not how to use it, or get rid of it, and thus have
forged their own golden or silver fetters.
—Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862)

An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that
can be made in a very narrow field.
—Niels Bohr, Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is
time to pause and reflect.
—Mark Twain

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of
—Oscar Wilde, Irish dramatist and novelist

Digital revolution has created a tidal wave of change that has deeply transformed the world we live in. The driving force of this revolution over the last 20 years has been a 98% reduction in the cost of computing and Internet connections driven by technology upgrades that get more powerful every year. And this trend is expected to accelerate.

We have been told by the world at large that to be successful you must go to school, get good grades, get a safe secure job, save money and invest in your 401(k). That is a great message if you want to be trapped in the rat race.

The digital entrepreneurship has changed all that.
Technology is no longer something to be feared – its something powerful we can use to get what we want in life. Unfortunately, many people feel technology is too daunting for them or that they’re too old to understand it or that it’s actually cool to be techno-averse. The digital age isn’t just cyclical change that will somehow correct itself. We are living in an age of deep and pervasive structural change – the kind where there is no going back (the kind of change that can sweep you away if you resist it). Embracing it and leveraging it can accelerate your success.

Digital Marketing

In today’s world what is the #1 asset anyone can have?

It’s information.

Google has become one of the biggest companies in the world. Why? Because it provides information.

Now think about why you are ever on the internet. In other words, what are you really doing when you are online?

Other than email and social media, you are almost always there for information.

Ninety percent of the time that we turn to the internet is because we are looking for an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, or to learn more about something. It is easy to see why information is the #1 driver of Internet use in the 21st century.

The three steps of digital marketing are: finding a topic, gathering information and monetizing that information.

Two ways of monetizing are: Earning commissions by affiliate marketing and creating your own online product.

Technology shouldn’t drive your success. Your good ideas should come first, with technology simply supporting the roll out of your idea.

Digital marketing is cost-effective, timely or instant, measurable and scalable.

Control your Multi-tasking

In the technological revolution, most devices are now designed to do multiple things. We can check our e-mail, send a text, surf the Internet, call people, and take pictures with our smart phones. We tend to multitask randomly, on any device within reach, at all times of the day and night, almost without thought to prioritizing what we are doing-versus simply focusing on accomplishing specific tasks that are central to our success. Technology is creating chaos in our lives, if we do not deliberately use the devices in a focused way.

Personal Branding: Start a blog and build a website

Blogging is probably the best way to hone your brand online. Writing your thoughts, sharing your experiences, and helping people when they bring up a question or comment about a blog post will help you build confidence in your personal brand and also build awareness of you and your brand on the Internet.

The Modern Day Gold Rush

There has never been a better time to create this kind of digital marketing business. More and more people are turning to internet for information. The best part is that these people are not just looking for free information; there are millions around the world happy to pay for it.

This is the modern-day California Gold Rush. I am serious. The internet users have increased from 1 Billion 14 years ago to well over 3 Billion as of today. The revenue from e-book sales has skyrocketed from 0.27 B in 2008 to well over 9 B as of today.

Online Affiliate Program

If you need a little bit of extra motivation to catapult you from employee to online business owner, check out all the products, programs and resources available from Digital Altitude. Digital Altitude’s plans and programs were developed by successful entrepreneurs who know how to achieve success and wealth online. If you’d like to fast track to success, check everything out today!

Check This Out Today only if you want to!

What turns me on about the digital age, what excites me personally, is that you have closed the gap between dreaming and doing. You see, it used to be that if you wanted to make a record of a song, you need a studio and a producer. Now you need a laptop. If you wanted to make a film, you need a mass of equipment and a Hollywood budget. Now you need a camera that fits in your palm, and a couple of bucks for a blank DVD. Imagination has been decoupled from old constraints.
-Bono, Lead Singer of the Irish Rock Bank U2
Courtesy: Jack Canfield (Success Principles), Anik Singal (The Circle of Profit), Digital Altitude (affiliate program), Tim Ferriss (The 4-hour Workweek)

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